Bootstrap your HR tasks with AI.

We are building tomorrow's HR today.

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Our Platform makes your day-to-day HR tasks faster. A lot faster.

What Is Humalitics?

Recruiting done right easy.

Humalitics is the recruiter's dream dashboard that makes it easy to bootstrap every-day activities.

  • Quick CV Evaluation: waste less time for you and your tech co-workers by allowing AI to evaluate the huge load of CVs you have in your inbox.
  • Beautify Interview Notes: with perfect indentation, comments, and structure. Easily remind yourself who you interviewed.
Get Started - it's free

Our Tools.

Our tools are crafted with intetion in mind. Speed up your work processes and be able to cover more candidates in less time.

Notes Beautifier

Candidates Evaluation

More . . .

Beautify your interview notes

We know being in interviews for hours is not easy. We also know it is hard to note down every word. That's why we have the Notes Beautifier

Try it here!

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Human Resources (forever)

Humalitics is a set of tools for technical recruiters and hiring managers to save time and $$ when going through their day-to-day tasks.